This section provides an overview of the GOAT interface and it’s functionalities. There are several tabs, menu actions, icons and toolbars for the user to access GOAT’s various functions and configuration screens.
User Interface Item | Label | Usage |
"Isochrones" Tab | Here you can find the different options for calculating isochrones. | |
"Indicators" Tab | Here, you are finding all our indicators, such as the heatmaps on connectivity, local accessibility and population density. | |
"Other Layers" Tab | In this panel, you can switch on and off different layers, such as environmental data, buildings and land use. You can also integrate your own external layers from geoportals. | |
Isochrone Options | Here, you can adjust the routing options and travel speed for the isochrone calculation. | |
Isochrone Tool | In this tab, you can switch between single and multi isochrones and start the calculation. | |
Isochrone Results | Here, the result of the calculation for the isochrones can be found. Furthermore, the isochrone styling and travel time can dynamically be adjusted. | |
Search | Search for an specific address inside the study area. | |
Open Full Screen | Enter Full Screen Mode. | |
Area Measurement | To measure an area, draw a polygon inside the study area. It's possible to add as many vertices as needed. To finish the drawn area double click on the last vertice or click on the first vertice. The area is displayed on the map in square kilometers. | |
Length measurement | Conduct linear measurements within the study area. The length is displayed on the map in kilometers. | |
Mapillary Imagery | The Mapillary integration allows to explore the study area through street level images. | |
User Setting | In this menu, you can find all user settings, i.e. the study area, the language (English/German), your status of internal data usage, and your status of saved scenarios. Furthermore, you can contact the support here. | |
User Data Upload / File Manager | Here, you can upload your own Point-of-Interest datasets and manage the uploaded files. | |
Thematic Data Filter | In this section, you can select which Point-of-Interests shall be shown in the map. | |
Draw scenario | Here, you can manage and view your created scenarios as well as create new scenarios. | |
Via this function, you can print the map as PDF or PNG. | ||
About | Information about GOAT, the used data sets and licenses. |