Wir bieten verschiedene Planungsleistungen im Kontext der formellen und informellen Planung an decken dabei insbesondere folgende Disziplinen ab.
We develop tailored mobility concepts such as Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and provide a powerful analysis of all mobility forms. With data-driven analyses and innovative participation tools, we support cities and municipalities in developing sustainable and future-oriented mobility solutions.
Our team supports spatial planning concepts through in-depth analyses, including accessibility analyses and studies on structural and sociodemographic data. By linking data and planning, we contribute to the sustainable design of cities and communities.
We implement heat plans using GIS, capturing heating and renovation needs and integrating the data into a digital twin. Our WebGIS GOAT enables stakeholder and citizen participation and provides a platform for visualization and emissions modeling.
Through our analyses of active mobility, we promote the vision of the city of short distances and the 15-minute city. We identify deficiencies in the pathway network, highlight potentials, and develop comprehensive local mobility and cycling concepts that improve urban quality of life.
We offer data-driven quality analyses in public transport and model the impacts of changes in the transport system. Our expertise enables precise assessment of public transport accessibility through a wide range of indicators, such as "ÖV-Güteklassen".
Unsere Standortanalysen bewerten die Qualität von Standorten mithilfe verschiedenster Erreichbarkeitsindikatoren für alle Verkehrsmittel. Wir finden die besten Standorte für Dienstleistungen und bewerten dabei die Umweltwirkungen, um nachhaltige Standortentscheidungen zu ermöglichen.
Ob modernste GIS-Technologie, umfangreiche Datensätze oder Expertenberatung – wir sind bereit, Ihnen dabei zu helfen, Ihre Lebensräume nachhaltig zu gestalten.